Thursday, December 11, 2008

Warm Wishes

At this time of year our home contains a spirit brought into existence through ritual. Many of the trappings and practices were first put into place thousands of years ago, in many corners of the world. The earth remembers these rituals and answers to them.

We invite representatives of nature into our home and give them places of honor. Wreaths herald the return of the sun – the distant king of our winter sky. The queen, the evergreen, is festooned with silver and gold. She perfumes the air with her dying breath - a sacrifice has been made as the old year dies away. A Yule log is sparked to remind us of the returning light.

Family and friends gather and exchange gifts to help each other through the cold months to come. Groups make a joyful noise to drive away evil and brighten the long night.

The very best of the season to all.


Rachel Hamby said...

Ooh, I love the word festooned. Happy holidays, Sam.

Sam Hranac said...

thank you. And to y'all as well.